Don McBurney Books

Double Measure

Perfect Providence In God's Perfect Word

Discover the perfect Providence and astounding symmetry of God’s Word in Double Measure, a new look at the faith and miracles of two of God’s most formidable prophets, Elijah and Elisha.

Download the First Chapter of Double Measure

Want a free look into Don McBurney’s new Bible Study? Enter your details here and we’ll send you a free copy of the first chapter.

Intro to Double Measure

Get a taste of the first six chapter of Double Measure as we delve into the miracles of Elijah.

Not a Man to Mess With
Parted Waters of the Jordan
No Rain 'Til I Say So
Fed by Ravens
Inexhaustible Supply
Death of a Child
Double Measure Book Cover
Bible Study

Double Measure

What two prophets teach us about God’s economy: a Bible study on the life of the prophets Elijah and Elisha.
Double Measure

Restoring a Nation to God

How should God’s people respond to a broken, immoral state, governed by leaders who’ve rejected God’s commands? How do Godly leaders deal with an apostate nation given over to evil?
The prophet Elijah provides our example.

Discovering Double Measure

I made extensive use of Scripture in my first two novels. Then, to my surprise, I was led to write a Bible study.

Double Measure is a Bible study that emphasizes literal interpretation of God’s Word, leading to a discovery about the miracles of Elijah and Elisha I’d never seen before.

My approach and discovery, so far as I know, is unique. Read and enjoy. Decide for yourself.

Double Measure

Download a Chapter For Free

Want a free look into Don McBurney’s new Bible Study, Double Measure? Enter your details here and we’ll send you a free copy of the first chapter.